Once you have the package, you can request a return of it within 15 days from when the package arrives.
To request the return you need to go to your account.
Once inside the account you go to "Order history and details".
You click on "Details" of the order that you want to request a refund.
Once inside the order, you select the model (s) that you want to return.
Write the details of why you are requesting the return and click on "Request a return" to send us the request.
Once the request has been accepted by us, you will receive an email informing you that the status of the return has been changed.
The status will change to "Waiting for the packet".
To see all the shipping information and the instructions to follow, you have to go to your account again.
Now we click on "Merchandise returns", here you see all the requested returns and their status.
Click on "Print" to download the return form.
Follow the steps indicated in the form to send the package back to our facilities.
Once the package has arrived at our facilities, we will proceed to check its status and pay the corresponding amount.
It is only possible to return full boxes or half boxes.
If you have to request a refund for defects, it is necessary to accumulate 6 pairs, and speak with customer service.